Why do the Five Stones Challenge for Lent?

Bri Campbell    |   Last Updated: February 28, 2019
Why do the Five Stones Challenge for Lent?

It was about this time last year that I really started getting interested in Medjugorje.

At that point, I had been working for Tekton about seven months. We had a few pilgrimages come and go to Medjugorje, and I had heard scattered conversations and stories around the office about Medjugorje, but did I really know about Medjugorje? No.

It wasn’t until Ann Vucic, the guide for all our Medjugorje pilgrimages, spoke at our Tekton staff retreat and laid out everything there was to know about this mystical place that I suddenly became hooked. Joyfully hooked. I couldn’t wait to learn more about Medjugorje. I couldn’t wait to tell others about Medjugorje. I couldn’t wait to go to Medjugorje.

As soon as our retreat ended, I texted my parish priest, a man who continued his path to the priesthood because of an experience he had in Medjugorje, and told him of my newfound excitement. He lent me two books that he had read prior to his pilgrimage several years ago, and from that point on, I’ve been diving deeper and deeper in.

What I’ve learned reading about the apparitions, the visionaries, and the history of Medjugorje is the vast depth of love that Our Lady holds for each one of us. I now understand how much she desires for us, how she wants to take us closer to her Son, and how much she suffers when we stray away from Him.

That’s what got to me the most­– the fact that we, her children, are hurting Our Lady when we turn to sin. We bring her to tears when we deny the Salvation that is her Son.

It made me think of my own earthly mother, how much it hurts her to see me hurt, how much she prays for me, how much she sacrifices, and how willing she is to meet me anywhere when I need her. I can’t even imagine hurting her everyday simply by saying β€œno” to a true and everlasting Love. How can we continue to do so to our Heavenly Mother?

Our Lady once said to the visionaries, β€œJust call on me: β€˜Here we are, Mother, lead us.’” Mary wants to bring us to total happiness, she wants to reunite us to her son. And she doesn’t leave us alone to do it on our own. She gives us five habits to live by so that we can grow in holiness. These β€œFive Stones of Medjugorje” will lead us closer to Christ, end wars, convert souls, heal wounds, and bring joy to our Blessed Mother.

That’s why I’m doing the Five Stones Challenge this Lent.
Because a girl can’t live (eternally) without the guidance and prayers of her Mother.
And when I feel weak this Lenten season and need Her, you can bet my prayer will be β€œHere I am, Mother, lead me.”

If you would like to join me in the Five Stones Challenge, you can take the challenge!
