Please read the following important notes before registering for your pilgrimage.
Individual Email Addresses Required
Each person must have their own unique email address in order to access their personal pilgrim login information and make any potential changes.
Tekton Ministries is not responsible for entry requirements
A $300 deposit is required for all registrations.
All cancellation penalties are effect if you choose to cancel due to improper documentation and/or not meeting entry requirements.
Please double-check any entry requirements or restrictions, such as visas or passport requirements, prior to your departure.
All cancellation penalties are effect if you choose to cancel due to improper documentation and/or not meeting entry requirements.
Please double-check any entry requirements or restrictions, such as visas or passport requirements, prior to your departure.
Registering more than one person
If you need to register more than one person, please click "Submit Another Registration" after the first registration is complete, and then click "Start Over."