September 19, 2024 - vatican ruling on medjugorje
My alarm clock awakened me at 4:27 am on Thursday morning, September 19, 2024. Blurry eyed, but wide awake and excited, I took my ipad to watch the live Vatican press conference about Medjugorje, starting at 4:30 am CST, on the Vatican YouTube channel. This was a hugely significant event in the story of Medjugorje, and everyone who follows Medjugorje knew it.
The announcement about the press conference came a few days earlier, which gave many people plenty of time to form an opinion about what they thought would be announced by Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, head of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith (DDF), who presided over the proceedings.
In the few days leading up to the press conference, social media exploded with comments which expressed a combination of anxiety, joy, concern, excitement, fear and so much more. Some were afraid the news would be bad; others were certain it would be good. I was in the latter camp.
As the press conference began, the positive tone of Cardinal Fernandez’s comments was immediately apparent, and when I heard the words “Nihil Obstat”, I sighed with relief and cried with joy! Finally, a definitive ruling by the Church, on this place of apparitions which has been such a topic of controversy for so many people, for so many years. It was a day I had been waiting for, for a very long time.
the new norms
According to the new norms established by the Vatican in May 2024, for classifying apparitions, Nihil Obstat is the highest level of approval the DDF can give to reported apparitions. Nihil Obstat states the following:
“Without expressing any certainty about the supernatural authenticity of the phenomenon itself, many signs of the action of the Holy Spirit are acknowledged. The bishop is encouraged to appreciate the pastoral value and promote the dissemination of the phenomenon, including pilgrimages.”
In a written statement on the Vatican News website, the DDF further elaborated:
“The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, with the assent of Pope Francis, grants approval for devotion linked to Medjugorje, recognizing the abundant spiritual fruits received at the Sanctuary of the Queen of Peace without making a declaration on the supernatural character of the Marian apparitions.”
The new norms entirely changed the way apparitions were to be evaluated. There are now six classifications by which apparitions can be judged:
- Nihil Obstat (“nothing stands in the way”): abundant signs of the Holy Spirit at work; no concerns; the bishop is encouraged to promote the phenomenon, including pilgrimages.
- Prae oculis habeatur (“should be kept in mind”): positive signs present, but some confusion and/or potential risks exist; doctrinal clarification may be necessary if there are any messages or writings.
- Curatur (“carefully”): some or many critical elements are present; but since there are some fruits and the phenomenon is already widespread, a ban is not recommended since it could upset the faithful; the local bishop should not encourage the phenomenon.
- Sub mandato (“under command”): critical issues are present which are not connected to the phenomenon itself but related to improper use of it by people (for example immoral acts or financial mishandling); the local bishop should take control of the site.
- Prohibetur et obstruatur (“to be prohibited and stopped”): there may be some positive elements, but the critical issues and risks are quite serious.
- Declaratio de non supernaturalitate (“a declaration of non-supernaturality”): the DDF authorizes the local bishop to declare the phenomenon as not of supernatural origin, based on concrete evidence.
Prior to the implementation of the new norms for apparitions, local bishops had much greater autonomy in making a ruling about the supernatural nature of apparitions. Under the new norms, however, while the local bishop still retains authority to assess and discern an apparition in his diocese, the DDF must always be consulted on the matter and must give final approval to the bishop’s decision.
what happens now?
Under the new norms, the local bishop, with the authorization of the DDF is able declare a reported apparition as not being supernatural in origin (number 6 of the new norms). However, the local bishop and the DDF are not authorized to declare a place of reported apparitions as being supernatural in origin. The new norms dictate that a determination of supernaturality could only be made by the Pope. Therefor the highest level of classification for an apparition that the local bishop, with the approval of the DDF, could make, is Nihil Obstat.
This new ruling on Medjugorje by the Vatican does not comment on the authenticity of the apparitions themselves and I know that is disappointing to many people. I have seen numerous posts, comments, videos and messages by people who love Medjugorje and are angry at the Church for this ruling; angry that the Pope did not affirm that the apparitions are supernatural. They feel this decision changes nothing. I respectfully disagree.
It certainly is true that the Holy Spirit has been mightily at work in Medjugorje and the graces pouring from there are staggering, and it would be difficult to argue that these apparitions are anything but supernatural. At the same time, however, the apparitions are ongoing; messages continue to be given; the secrets have yet to be revealed. What would happen if the Church declared Medjugorje supernatural in origin today, and then tomorrow a message was given that was contrary to the teachings of the Church? Or if none of the secrets happen as the visionaries said they would? As long as the apparitions continue, public messages are given, and the secrets have not yet been revealed, the Church will not make a statement about the authenticity of the apparitions themselves. Period. The Church is rightfully cautious and careful. Always has been, always will be. And that is a good thing.
Having said all that, knowing that the fruits of Medjugorje have been so incredible, the Church did want to show its recognition of and support for Medjugorje in a concrete way; in a way that removes any doubt from opponents of Medjugorje that it is a place worthy of supporting and worthy of visiting, where healthy, authentic spirituality can be found, where God is mightily at work. The way to do that was to give it the Nihil Obstat. While the highest level of approval which the Church can give to reported apparitions is to state that they are of supernatural origin, it is clear that the highest level that could be given to Medjugorje at this time, is the Nihil Obstat, because they are ongoing apparitions, and I for one, could not be more pleased. Maybe one day, after the apparitions have ended and the secrets have been revealed, the Church might revisit this issue and declare Medjugorje supernatural in origin, but for now, the Church has made its support of Medjugorje crystal clear.
Today’s ruling by the Vatican removes any possible roadblock that people may have about Medjugorje. The Nihil Obstat was granted because the fruits are beyond plentiful and, per the words of Cardinal Fernandez, there are no concerns present in Medjugorje. While the Cardinal clearly stated that people are free to not believe in Medjugorje, at the same time, there are no impediments from the Church for people to believe it and to travel there on pilgrimage. According to the new norms themselves, not only are people free to go there on pilgrimage, but pilgrimages are to be encouraged and promoted.
an invitation
In light of that, I would like to encourage and invite you to join myself and Fr. Dan Reehil (pastor, exorcist for Nashville diocese, director of Radio Maria and host of daily radio show Battle Ready), on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje. Please click the button below for more information about all out upcoming pilgrimages.
Medjugorje truly is a unique place and a unique experience. It is a place where God pours out His graces in such great abundance that even the most hardened hearts encounter Him there. Over 50 million people have traveled to this unassuming little village in the middle of Herzegovina, which has now become a world-wide center of spiritual renewal and conversion. In light of the new ruling by the Vatican, my sincerest hope and prayer is that we will soon see an even greater influx of pilgrims flocking to Medjugorje, and an explosion of even more graces coming from this place where heaven has touched earth.