The Pilgrim's Journey

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Widow of Nain

Widow of Nain

R RLast Updated: June 13th, 2024Uncategorized

This Gospel tells the story of Jesus encountering the widow of Nain.  The encounter was  bitterly painful.  We hear that Jesus took pity on the woman when he saw her.  Pity, not in the present condescending understanding of the word but in its original meaning.  Jesus sympathized with her because he too was suffering from … Read More

La Virgencita, Patroness of the Americas

R RLast Updated: July 27th, 2023Guadalupe, Uncategorized

Mexico City can be an intimidating to fly into.  It’s not like San Diego when you are still flying but you’re able to see people at work through their office windows… above you.  Or like Washington D.C. when your ears pop and you transition from horizontal to vertical to horizontal within thirty seconds.  What makes … Read More

Custom-fit Pilgrimages from Blessed John XXIII to St. Faustina

Andrea JLast Updated: January 21st, 2021Uncategorized

Within the universal Catholic church, we are blessed with a multitude of devotions and spiritual expressions. In recognizing this, Tekton Ministries has a special category of pilgrimages we call “Out of the Box” or custom pilgrimages. Interested in exploring the history of beer-making by monks throughout central Europe? We’ve got a pilgrimage for that! Want … Read More