The Pilgrim's Journey

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Hidden Spiritual Gem in Rome Reminds Us to Embrace Our Crosses

Stephanie EngelmanLast Updated: April 5th, 2024Italy, Spiritual Reflections

Near the catacombs in Rome, walking along the Appian Way, you’re likely to stumble upon a hidden spiritual gem – the Chiesa del Domine Quo Vadis, or the Church of “Lord, Where Are You Going?”. While the architecture is relatively unassuming, the message: “Lord, where are you going?” speaks loud and clear to those who … Read More

St. Maria Goretti – Example of Mercy and Love

Stephanie EngelmanLast Updated: April 5th, 2024Italy, Spiritual Reflections

In the eyes of the world, Maria Goretti was unremarkable. Young, poor, and uneducated, she could not even read or write. Yet, her heroic purity and forgiving spirit have made her great in the eyes of God and the Church. Maria was born on the eastern side of Italy, but her family moved to a … Read More

Ein Karem and John the Baptist

Richard SontagLast Updated: April 5th, 2024Holy Land

In the southwest part of Jerusalem lies the ancient village of Ein Karem, literally meaning “Spring of the Vineyard,” and known by some as the “most beautiful neighborhood in Jerusalem.” Surrounded by green hills and forests, many travel to this village to experience its picturesque beauty and visit the various Christian and historical sites there. … Read More

Saint Anthony of Padua

Andrea JLast Updated: April 5th, 2024Italy

St. Anthony of Padua was baptized “Ferdinand” in Lisbon, Portugal. When he was only fifteen years old, Ferdinand joined the Augustinians. He completed his formation at the abbey in Coimbra, where he was ordained a priest at the age of 25. During his time in Coimbra, he met some Franciscan friars and was drawn to … Read More

Holy Land Pilgrimage

Pilgrimaging Not Just for Ourselves but for Others

Andrea JLast Updated: July 13th, 2020Holy Land, Spiritual Reflections

A pilgrimage is an opportunity to draw closer to our Lord. It is more than just a trip or a vacation, but an answer to the call from the Lord as He calls us to come and follow Him. A pilgrimage can be a time to carry special intentions for oneself or for others who … Read More

“Where the Word became Flesh”

Andrea JLast Updated: April 4th, 2024Holy Land

A pilgrimage to the Holy Land is not complete without a visit to the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth. This holy site is where God first humbled Himself to become one of us – where “the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (John 1:14). This remarkable event from our salvation history … Read More