The Pilgrim's Journey

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10 Life Hacks for the Modern Day Pilgrim

Bri CampbellLast Updated: January 25th, 2018Featured Pilgrimages, Pilgrims' Stories, Spiritual Reflections, Travel Alerts

Are you embarking on a pilgrimage soon? Don’t let yourself treat this spiritual journey like a vacation; having the right mindset while traveling is key to getting the most out of your journey! Help yourself prepare by taking into account these 10 Life Hacks from a former pilgrim:Take a prayer list.When on pilgrimage you are … Read More

On This Pilgrimage, the Best Thing That Happened Didn’t Happen

Stephanie EngelmanLast Updated: February 17th, 2023Medjugorje

On the second day of her retreat with Fr. Zlatko Sudac, Betsy wasn’t feeling well. She attended Father’s morning talk, but was too sick to go to lunch. Instead, she went for a walk with her rosary, planning to pray for relief in hopes that she would be well enough to attend the afternoon session.Halfway … Read More

This Holy Site Takes Catholic Aerobics to a Whole New Level

Bri CampbellLast Updated: September 16th, 2020Italy, Pilgrims' Stories

It was a hot spring day in Rome as we exited the cool marble interior of the massive Archbasilica of St. John Lateran. As we gathered together around our tour guide, Irene, her voice came through our whisper headsets, stating that our next destination was the Holy Stairs, right across the street.“What are those?” a … Read More

Camino Walk Leads Pilgrim To a Life of Service

Stephanie EngelmanLast Updated: September 16th, 2020Camino de Santiago, Pilgrims' Stories

“Every time I began to wonder whether I was on the right path, I’d turn a corner and there’d be an arrow showing me that I was going the right direction,” Andrea Joines says, as she reflects on her 2014 walk along the Camino de Santiago.At the time, Andrea was 34 years old. After nannying … Read More

5 Delicious (and Cheap!) Things to Eat in Paris

Stephanie EngelmanLast Updated: February 17th, 2023France

When traveling to France, whether on pilgrimage or personal travel, there is always an opportunity to explore French cuisine, which is one of the richest and most famous in the world. Michelin- rated and 5 star restaurants may not fit everyone’s budget, so here are a few of our favorite picks for enjoying great French … Read More

Why Has the Blessed Mother Appeared in Medjugorje?

Ann VucicLast Updated: August 27th, 2021Medjugorje

On June 25, 2007, Our Lady gave the following message: “Dear children! Also today, with great joy in my heart, I call you to conversion.  Little children, do not forget that you are all important in this great plan, which God leads through Medjugorje.  God desires to convert the entire world and to call it … Read More

Off the Beaten Path: Subiaco, Italy

Stephanie EngelmanLast Updated: February 17th, 2023Italy

This coming spring, one of our pilgrimage groups will visit Subiaco, Italy. While this small town is often overlooked as a pilgrimage destination, it is well worth the short hour’s drive from Rome to see several historical and spiritual treasures. Sacro Speco Nestled in the hillside above the peaceful town, you’ll find Sacro Speco – … Read More

Three Great Pilgrimages of Thanksgiving – One of Which We Can All Make This Thanksgiving

Andrea JLast Updated: February 16th, 2023Spiritual Reflections

Humankind is on a continuous journey toward communion with God – a pilgrimage that will never be complete until we reach the end of our earthly lives. Within the great pilgrimage of life itself, there are numerous smaller opportunities and reasons to go on physical pilgrimage to holy sites throughout the world. While many pilgrimages … Read More