The Pilgrim's Journey

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A Pilgrim’s Podcast

Andrea JLast Updated: May 22nd, 2024Featured Pilgrimages, Medjugorje, Pilgrims' Stories, Spiritual Reflections

Oftentimes, a pilgrimage affects a person so profoundly, they can’t help but share their experience when they return. While I’m sure we’ve all sat through endless vacation photos and stories from friends and family, the memories and experiences are much more than those from an average vacation. We have been blessed throughout the years to … Read More

Medjugorje Movie Update

Ann VucicLast Updated: June 19th, 2024News

Recently, our guide in Medjugorje – Ann Vucic – wrote an article for Spirit Daily about an exciting production coming soonish to theaters near you! It all began in 2022 when Jennifer Tadlock met Holly Carney and shared her vision for a movie about Medjugorje to thank the Blessed Mother for all the graces Jennifer … Read More

A Pilgrimage Through the Liturgical Year

Andrea JLast Updated: December 1st, 2023Spiritual Reflections

This past Sunday, we celebrated the Feast of Christ the King.  It is the last Sunday of Ordinary Time, as well as the last Sunday of the liturgical year. Next week is Catholic New Year – the first Sunday of Advent. For over 2000 years, the Church has been refining and reforming the liturgical calendar.  … Read More

How to Make the Most of your First Day of Pilgrimage

Andrea JLast Updated: October 27th, 2023Featured Pilgrimages, Pilgrims' Stories, Spiritual Reflections

Upon arrival at your pilgrimage destination, many things happen all at once.  You are often immersed in a new language, in a strange airport, trying to stick with your group and/or meet your guide, and all this while typically not having your best night’s sleep.  So how do you make the most of this busy … Read More

Mobile Passport Control

Andrea JLast Updated: April 9th, 2024Featured Pilgrimages, Travel Alerts, Travel Tips, Upcoming Pilgrimages

Do you like waiting in lines with hundreds of other people?  Especially after an 8-hour flight with very little sleep? Do you like paying to be in a shorter line? If you’re like most people, the answers to the above questions are all no. If you don’t mind waiting for over an hour after your … Read More

Healing Comes in Many Forms at Lourdes

Natalie HoeferLast Updated: August 25th, 2023Featured Pilgrimages, France, Spiritual Reflections

When I was young, the ligaments around my knees did not form properly. I struggled walking and bending my constantly aching knees—I actually walked sideways, and sometimes my parents even had to bend my legs for me. The specialist told my parents I would lead a life of little activity. I recall at age 6 … Read More

A Different Kind of Passport

Andrea JLast Updated: August 11th, 2023Camino de Santiago, Featured Pilgrimages

For pilgrims planning to walk the Camino de Santiago in Spain, a “passport” has two different meanings.  Firstly, is the official government passport that allows you to travel internationally and enter Spain.  And secondly is the special pilgrim’s passport that is carried along the Camino and stamped at various locations.  This latter is also known … Read More

New Visa for Europe?

Andrea JLast Updated: January 31st, 2024Featured Pilgrimages, Travel Alerts, Upcoming Pilgrimages

UPDATE: As of October 2023, the official website now says this program is expected to be operational from mid-2025.  We will continue to update any pilgrims who may be in need of this authorization process when the proper time comes.You might have heard that there is a new requirement for US travelers to Europe scheduled … Read More

Jubilee Year 2025

Andrea JLast Updated: February 2nd, 2024Featured Pilgrimages, Italy, Pope Francis

In the Old Testament, the Jewish people were instructed to take a Sabbatical Year every seventh year. The Book of Leviticus, chapter 25, explains that no planting was to happen – no crops grown – to give the land a rest.  Since the Lord rested on the seventh day, all of creation was also to … Read More

Is Travel Insurance Worth It?

Andrea JLast Updated: July 14th, 2023Featured Pilgrimages, Pilgrims' Stories, Travel Alerts

It’s time for a pop quiz! Which of the following has NOT happened to a Tekton pilgrim in the past couple years? While vacationing in another country six weeks before his pilgrimage, John* fell and broke his hip. He was unable to depart on his pilgrimage. On the second day of his Holy Land pilgrimage, … Read More

Upon this Rock

Natalie HoeferLast Updated: June 23rd, 2023Featured Pilgrimages, Holy Land, Spiritual Reflections

When I made my first pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 2015, I was dubious about the authenticity of some sites on the itinerary. Highest on the list was a visit to Banias Springs—formerly the ancient city of Caesarea Philippi—to see “the rock where Peter declared Jesus to be the Christ.” The site is associated … Read More

The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Tekton MinistriesLast Updated: June 22nd, 2023France, Spiritual Reflections

Sacred Scripture has a lot to say about love and the nature of God.  The first letter from John mentions love more than any other book of the Bible:Beloved, let us love one another, because love is of God; everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God. Whoever is without love does not … Read More

Connecting History, Faith, and Culture in France

Andrea JLast Updated: June 9th, 2023Featured Pilgrimages, France

Earlier this week, many commemorated the anniversary of D-Day, considered to be a turning point of World War II.  Centered on the coast of France, numerous historical sites are visited by thousands each year.  A number of our pilgrimages to France have included visits to these same sites – to pay respect to our fallen … Read More