In times of trouble and distress, we’re called to rest in the protective care of our father.
A lot has been going on in our world these past few weeks. Being a ministry focused on foreign travel, the offices of Tekton Ministries have been closely attuned to the newest and latest in breaking news of the ever-spreading Coronavirus.
Naturally, we’ve answered a plethora of calls and inboxes filled with emails all regarding the worries of our pilgrims as the date of their pilgrimages loom closer. “Will we still go?” “Is it safe to travel?” “How likely is it that I’ll get the virus?”
As it turns out, our pilgrims aren’t the only ones with these concerns. As the outbreak has continued to spread throughout the world, we’ve watched churches, holy sites, and even the Vatican itself close their doors–prohibiting any visitors or worshippers from entering. Airports have stopped their scheduled flights and whole countries are forbidding anyone from entering or leaving without a required two-week quarantine.
In the midst of all this confusion and chaos (and difficult travel schedule rearranging), one has to slow down and ponder: What is the Lord showing me?
It’s very fitting that our Lenten season–a season of discomfort and growth–should be accompanied by an uncontrollable and little-known strain of virus. The unknown makes us uncomfortable–so how do we grow from it?
This season, turn to St. Joseph.
The first time St. Joseph is spoken to in the Gospels, it is in a time of crisis. He has just discovered that his betrothed is pregnant with a child that is not his own. As he’s about to quietly divorce our Lady, an angel comes to speak to him in a dream.
"Do not be afraid."
Soon after the Holy Family is visited by the Magi, an angel appears to Joseph again telling him to flee to Egypt with Mary and the infant Jesus since King Herod would seek the child to kill him.
It’s easy to be afraid when facing the unknown. Even one of the greatest of saints fell victim to this natural emotion. But as children of God, we are called to the supernatural; we are called to trust Him. St. Joseph is a model of trust.
He was both the trusted and the trustee. Leaving behind fear, he trusted God’s plan for him in the midst of doubt and confusion, and because of that trust, he was entrusted with the most honorable task of raising our Lord. Just as he was the protector and provider for his household, still today he is the protector and provider for the House of God, the Church, and Her sons and daughters.
This year marks the 150th anniversary of the declaration of St. Joseph as the patron of the Catholic Church by Pope Pius IX. Turn to St. Joseph when troubled and ask him to intercede on your behalf. This most holy of providers won’t leave you wanting in your hour of need. Amidst this time of inconvenience and extra precaution, reflect on these few things through the lens of St. Joseph to aid your trust in Him:
- Joseph was the foster father of our Lord. Am I enjoying the increased time I’m having with my family? Can I invest more in the relationships and enjoy the presence of those God has placed before me?
- Joseph protected our Lady and her Son. Am I being called to care for a sick family member or friend? Am I being tender and loving, as a devoted father would be?
- Joseph followed the plans of the Father despite his own will. Am I angry or impatient because of unforeseen closures or cancellations in my schedule? Can I more fully put my trust in the Lord and recognize that He does not leave me wanting and will provide a better plan for me? Is there an opportunity for me to grow in virtue during this trying time?