Medjugorje Pilgrimage
It starts with a stirring…an ache…a longing to withdraw from the everyday and grow closer to Our Lord. Our Blessed Mother invites you to visit one of the most spiritual and peaceful places on the planet, a place of spiritual growth and conversion where she still appears today. The visionaries tell us that no one goes to Medjugorje by accident.
How will you respond to her loving invitation?
How will you respond to her loving invitation?
Read The Story of Medjugorje
“Today, dioceses and other institutions can organize official pilgrimages to Medjugorje.”
Medjugorje Pilgrimages Followed by Fr. Zlatko Sudac Retreat
There are currently no pilgrimages for this destination.
Don't worry. You can create your own or fill out the form to be notified when then next pilgrimage is scheduled.
Don't worry. You can create your own or fill out the form to be notified when then next pilgrimage is scheduled.
Medjugorje Only Pilgrimages
There are currently no pilgrimages for this destination.
Don't worry. You can create your own or fill out the form to be notified when then next pilgrimage is scheduled.
Don't worry. You can create your own or fill out the form to be notified when then next pilgrimage is scheduled.
10 Days
Details Coming Soon
If none of these available dates work for you, please click the blue button below to be notified when the next pilgrimage is open for registration. You will receive an email with all the pilgrimage details at that time.
Alternatively, you can plan a pilgrimage for your parish by clicking the red button below. Someone from our office would be happy to speak with you about this.
Alternatively, you can plan a pilgrimage for your parish by clicking the red button below. Someone from our office would be happy to speak with you about this.
Bundesarchiv, B 145 Bild-F059404-0019 / Schaack, Lothar / CC-BY-SA, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE, via Wikimedia Commons
"Today's world has lost its sense of the supernatural.
But many are searching for it – and find it – in Medjugorje, through prayer, penance and fasting."
The 5 Main Messages
Fr. Leon Pereira, OP, Chaplain to the English-speaking pilgrims in Medjugorje, explores the main messages of Medjugorje by comparing them to the 5 stones by which David defeated Goliath. Watch Fr. Leon’s introduction to the
5 stones of Medjugorje.
MEDJUGORJE Podcast: Message of Hope for the World
Listen as Ann Vucic shares about Medjugorje on the new Radio Maria podcast: Medjugorje: Message of Hope for the World
Conversion Story of Ann Vucic
Fruits of Medjugorje 1
Fruits of Medjugorje 2
Fruits of Medjugorje 3
“...this movement will not stop and should not be
stopped, because of the good fruit that grows out of it...”
The Fruits of Medjugorje
The Bible tells us “You shall know them by their fruits” Mt 7:20. The fruits of Medjugorje are abundant, varied and have already had tremendous impact on the Church.

Between 40 to 50 million people from throughout the world have travelled to Medjugorje since the apparitions began. It has become one of the most visited pilgrimage sites in the entire Catholic world.

Conversions and Healings
Millions of people have claimed that their lives have dramatically changed since visiting this simple, humble little village. In addition to these spiritual conversions, there have also been hundreds of documented, instantaneous physical healings that have occurred in or through Medjugorje.

Confessional of the World
One of the most powerful means of healing and conversion in Medjugorje is through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. There are currently about 65 confessionals in Medjugorje,...

The parish of Medjugorje has documented more than 1,000 men who found their calling to be priests in or through Medjugorje. There is no other place in the Catholic world that has produced this many priests in such a short period of

In 1981, when the apparitions first began, the devotional practice of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament was considered a pre-Vatican 2 practice, and largely abandoned throughout the Church.

WORLDWIDE Prayer Groups
Thousands of “Medjugorje” prayer groups have been formed throughout the world since the apparitions first began, as a way to continue to live the spirituality that people encountered through Medjugorje.
Vatican authorizes pilgrimages to Medjugorje
In 2019 Pope Francis authorized pilgrimages to Medjugorje for parish priests and dioceses. Most recently, the Vatican issued the highest classification possible for a Marian apparition – Nihil Obstat. This is in accordance with the new norms established by the Vatican in May 2024 and encourages pilgrimages to this special site.
Frequently Asked Questions about Medjugorje Pilgrimages
"Medjugorje – it’s the spiritual heart of the world."
Guidelines for Priests and Pilgrims

Pilgrim Guidelines
The Information Office for Medjugorje provides a helpful list of Pilgrim Guidelines to make your experience in Medjugorje safe, prayerful, and pleasant. It includes information on Holy Mass, guides, shrines, and photography.

Priest Guidelines
Fr. Marinko Šakota, OFM, pastor of St. James Parish, offers instructions and recommendations for priests on pilgrimage in Medjugorje, including the required documents and vestments for concelebrating Mass.

Appropriate Dress
The areas around the church, including Apparition Hill and Cross Mountain, are places of prayer. Pilgrims are asked to act, speak, and dress appropriately, so as to not disturb prayer and meditation. Please dress modestly.
About Ann Vucic
Your pilgrimage director
Ann Vucic was born in a village a few miles from Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Her family left communist Yugoslavia when she was two years old and settled in Chicago. In the summer of 1981, at the age of fifteen, Ann returned to her homeland for a summer vacation and shortly after that, the apparitions of Our Lady began. Ann witnessed the beginning days and months of Our Lady's apparitions in Medjugorje. This led to a radical conversion in her life, and a burning desire to help others encounter that same transformative power of God.
Upon completing bachelor’s degrees in Theology and Psychology and a master’s degree in Social Work, Ann worked as a social worker for many years. In 1999, she left her career to pursue her passion, evangelization. Her ministry has led her in many directions: organizing and leading pilgrimages and retreats; interpreting for Medjugorje visionaries and priests throughout the USA and beyond; sharing her personal testimony; speaking about Medjugorje and other faith-related topics at retreats, conferences, and parishes around the country. She also hosts a radio show on “Radio Maria USA” called Medjugorje: Message of Hope for the World.
Most recently, Ann was asked to be the consultant and Executive Producer on a major Hollywood motion picture about Medjugorje, currently in pre-production. This is an exciting project, whose goal is to bring the message of Medjugorje to millions of people all over the world.
Ann’s experience as one of the earliest witnesses to the events in Medjugorje gives her a unique perspective, which few people have, on the apparitions and their significance for our times. Her powerful testimony, engaging delivery, as well as her expertise on the subject, will captivate and inspire you.
Upon completing bachelor’s degrees in Theology and Psychology and a master’s degree in Social Work, Ann worked as a social worker for many years. In 1999, she left her career to pursue her passion, evangelization. Her ministry has led her in many directions: organizing and leading pilgrimages and retreats; interpreting for Medjugorje visionaries and priests throughout the USA and beyond; sharing her personal testimony; speaking about Medjugorje and other faith-related topics at retreats, conferences, and parishes around the country. She also hosts a radio show on “Radio Maria USA” called Medjugorje: Message of Hope for the World.
Most recently, Ann was asked to be the consultant and Executive Producer on a major Hollywood motion picture about Medjugorje, currently in pre-production. This is an exciting project, whose goal is to bring the message of Medjugorje to millions of people all over the world.
Ann’s experience as one of the earliest witnesses to the events in Medjugorje gives her a unique perspective, which few people have, on the apparitions and their significance for our times. Her powerful testimony, engaging delivery, as well as her expertise on the subject, will captivate and inspire you.
Since Pope Francis has authorized pilgrimages to Medjugorje and the Ruini Commission recommended the first seven days of the apparitions be approved, there’s never been a better time to increase your understanding of the miraculous events taking place in Medjugorje!
Responding to these exciting events, we have compiled a FREE comprehensive guide to Medjugorje to offer you a deeper understanding, appreciation, and reverence for this holy site.
Inside you'll find:
Responding to these exciting events, we have compiled a FREE comprehensive guide to Medjugorje to offer you a deeper understanding, appreciation, and reverence for this holy site.
Inside you'll find:
The Vatican’s response to the apparitions and conversions taking place in Medjugorje today | |
Stories of the Visionaries | |
The 5 Messages of Medjugorje | |
A Timeline of the Events of Medjugorje |

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Our Lady & Medjugorje
Our Lady & Medjugorje
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