In Santiago de Compostela, Spain, a jubilee year is held every time the Feast of St. James the Greater falls on a Sunday. The most recent time this occurred was on July 25, 2021. With pandemic restrictions in place, not as many visitors were able to travel to Spain in 2021.
Therefore, the Holy See chose to extend the graces of the jubilee for an extra year, thus offering two years to celebrate.
This year also brings us another jubilee celebrated in Spain – one honoring the Spanish Carmelite, St. Teresa of Jesus. Often referred to as St. Teresa of Avila, this jubilee is held in her home diocese of Avila when her feast day (October 15) falls on a Sunday. This occurs next in 2023.
However, this Jubilee Year began on March 12, 2022, in honor of the 400th anniversary of St. Teresa’s canonization, and will continue until October 15, 2023.
Therefore, this fall brings a wonderful opportunity to earn not one, but two plenary indulgences while pilgrimaging across Spain!
If you find yourself in either Avila or Santiago de Compostela during this time, to gain the indulgence you must fulfill certain conditions. The normal conditions of sacramental Confession, reception of the Eucharist, and prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father.
In addition, you must visit either the cathedral in Santiago or the monastery church of St. Teresa of Jesus in Avila to gain the respective indulgence.
And if you can’t make it to Avila this year, the Teresian Jubilee will continue through October 15, 2023. Our Camino pilgrimage slated for September 18-29, 2023, includes a day in Avila and a visit to the monastery church.
Click here to learn more about our Camino de Santiago pilgrimage

A group of Tekton pilgrims outside the Convent of St. Teresa in Avila.