The Pilgrim's Journey

Jubilee Year 2025

Andrea JLast Updated: February 2nd, 2024Featured Pilgrimages, Italy, Pope Francis

In the Old Testament, the Jewish people were instructed to take a Sabbatical Year every seventh year. The Book of Leviticus, chapter 25, explains that no planting was to happen – no crops grown – to give the land a rest.  Since the Lord rested on the seventh day, all of creation was also to … Read More

A Time for Renewing Faith, Hope, & Love

Andrea JLast Updated: March 10th, 2021Church News, News, Pope Francis

In a bulletin sent out on February 12 in preparation for the upcoming liturgical season, Pope Francis invites us all to a time of renewal this Lent. In his 2021 Lenten Message, entitled “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem” (Mt 20:18), the Holy Father calls Lent “a time for renewing faith, hope, and love.” … Read More

The Church’s Response to Medjugorje Apparitions – Updated Timeline

Ann VucicLast Updated: September 11th, 2020Church News, Medjugorje, Pope Francis

Timeline of the Church’s response to Medjugorje1981: Apparitions of Medjugorje begin 1984: Local bishop, diocese of Mostar forms a commission to investigate the events in Medjugorje. 1986: Bishop submits a negative decision about Medjugorje to the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith (CDF), which at the time was led by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (later, Pope … Read More

Pope Francis: Pilgrimage is a symbol of life

Richard SontagLast Updated: March 7th, 2016Pope Francis

(VIS) – As in previous years, the Pope has sent a message to participants in the 37th nocturnal pilgrimage on foot from Macerata to Loreto, Italy, gathered in the Helvia Recina stadium of Macerata during the night of 6 June to attend the opening Mass celebrated by Cardinal George Pell. This time, due to his … Read More

Ideas for Lent

Ideas for Lent

R RLast Updated: June 20th, 2024Pope Francis, Spiritual Reflections

Every year Catholics try to answer the age old question: What should I do for Lent? Well, who better to pick for as your Lenten spiritual director than Pope Francis? He has some great ideas for you! Here we selected 10 of his best tips: 1. Get rid of the lazy addiction to evil “[Lent] … Read More

What is a Cardinal of the Church anyway?

R RLast Updated: June 14th, 2023Church News, Pope Francis

Definition & Explanation: Cardinal comes from the Latin word meaning “hinge”.  A cardinal is a dignitary of the Roman Catholic Church and counselor of the pope.* Relations of the cardinals to the bishops The cardinals were, therefore, from a very early period, assistants of the pope in his liturgical functions, in the care of the … Read More

Ratzinger’s Request: Simply call me ‘Father Benedict’

R RLast Updated: June 29th, 2020Church News, Pope Francis

According to the journalist, Benedict explained that when he initially stepped down he wanted to be called “Father Benedict” rather than Pope Emeritus or Benedict XVI, but “I was too weak at that point to enforce it.” At least part of the reason for wanting his new title to simply be “Father” rather than Pope … Read More