The Pilgrim's Journey

2025 International Travel Requirements

Andrea JLast Updated: March 21st, 2025Camino de Santiago, England, Featured Pilgrimages, France, Germany, Greece and Turkey, Holy Land, Italy, Marian Shrines of Europe, Medjugorje, Poland, Spain, Travel Alerts, Travel Tips, Upcoming Pilgrimages

Recently, several countries have changed their entry requirements for US citizens. Some have not yet taken effect but are in the works. What countries are affected and what do you need to do?  Read on to find out!Some basic information about all the new programs: These are officially not visas. They are travel authorizations. They … Read More

A Birthday Fit for a Queen

Andrea JLast Updated: December 20th, 2024England, Saints, Spiritual Reflections

Yesterday, the world entered a period of mourning for the longest reigning English monarch, Queen Elizabeth II.  Her life and death have been marked with all the celebrations and festivities fit for an earthly queen. Over the next few days, or even weeks, there will be news reports, tv programs, special newspaper editions, and the … Read More